Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Night and Day



Pottery painting on 12 inch diameter plates.

Vishal and I recently went to a pottery painting store in Portsmouth NH. This was the first time we ever tried painting on pottery and it was very different than any other medium I had tried before. The "raw" colors look nothing like they do after the pottery has been fired, so there is a lot of guess work involved!

The theme we chose was "Night and Day" - with Vishal painting the "Night" and me doing the "Day". It was a fun experience, and I will definitely try it again. Maybe next time around we'll do something more abstract :-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

This painting is, in many ways, different from any I have done recently.

First, I rarely paint with the final location of the artwork in mind. But this one was done with the intention of displaying above our friends’ family room fireplace. It is supposed to be a house-warming gift for our close friends who recently became the proud owners of a charming house in Westford, MA.

Second, this is my largest painting so far, and one of the quickest ones too (for the size). I used large brushes and strokes – a technique I am still learning – and completed it in about 6 hours.

And lastly, this painting was done in acrylic; a medium I have used after a very long time. Although I prefer to work with oils, I used acrylics because I wanted the paint to dry quickly. This was a gift and I was on a deadline!

I hope our friends enjoy the painting.